​Addiction Specialist, Counselling & Consulting
"Connection Through Crisis"

Mental Health Treatment Plans
(Mental Health Plan)
"I have a Mental Health Plan, can you help me?"
Yes we can!
(For the short answer: Click Here)
Do you have a Mental Health Treatment Plan or 'Mental Health Plan'?
The Medicare Better Access to Mental Health scheme improves access to counselling by providing rebates to psychologists and mental health social workers who are registered as Medicare allied health providers. GP’s are encouraged to refer their patients who need counselling for mental health issues to these registered practitioners.
Medicare provides a $93.95 rebate, which commonly leaves around a $100+ gap fee that most psychologists charge full fee-paying clients. Most counsellors charge between $80 and $150. The Medicare rebate system limits the available psychologist appointments to 10 counselling sessions in a calendar year; appointments with a counsellor are unlimited. Although your GP may prefer to refer you to a psychologist, it is not necessarily mean that a psychologist will provide better counselling than a counsellor. It depends on the professional’s skill, area of expertise, style of counselling, the fit with your needs and personality, and cost considerations. Selecting a counsellor is a very personal choice. It is important that you find someone that YOU can work with.*
Prodigal Family Services can help you achieve the counselling and therapy goals outlined in your Mental Health Plan (MHP). If you have a MHP we will put your counselling session through at the reduced fee of $100 per 50 minute session (up to 6 sessions).**
The Short Answer
As a Counselling Practice, we’re not able to accept Mental Health Plans, as they come under medicare rebates for Psychologists & some Social Workers. BUT what we can do for you... If you have a MHP, we will put you through at the reduced rate of $100 for a 50 minute session (up to 6 sessions), which you’ll generally find is cheaper than the out of pocket cost for a psychologist on a mental health plan.**
Reach out and call us today and see how we can help and support you with your Mental Health Plan goals.
*Adapted from CCAA's website article - Medicare Better Access to Mental Health Rebates: https://ccaa.net.au/for-the-public/
**The Mental Health Plan reduced rate is for individual sessions only, this does not apply to relationship counselling.